This was my initial opinion with regard to his selections for cabinet. But after careful consideration and reading, I realized that many of these politicians carry one important trait: experience. And not only are they experienced, but they are also highly educated. Take, for example, Obama’s selection for Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner. He is the president of the Federal Reserve of New York, he has worked for the International Monetary Fund and has studied Chinese. Or, consider Robert Gates, the current Defense Secretary, who will keep his position in the new administration. Though both fall on opposite sides of the political fence, they are well educated and experienced in their field - making them prime candidates to serve in the cabinet.
And, to also ease my fears, Obama is planning to attack this economic crisis head on. How? He is making, or leaking, his cabinet faster than any President in history. On Monday Obama said, “"If we do not act swiftly and boldly, most experts believe that we could lose millions of jobs next year.” I am confident that if he follows through with this ethic throughout, that my fears will dissolve into trust.
President Obama has chosen many cabinet members with whom I have disagreed in the past. Particularly, Hillary Clinton – his chosen Secretary of State (still yet to be confirmed by the Senate, though). This is the one selection of which I am unsure. I feel that Clinton is not experienced enough with foreign policy. Not to mention the bitter relationship they have from the campaign trail. And, I am also fearful that the Clinton administration has too many familiar faces returning to office. So my hope must rest in Obama. I am hopeful that Obama will maintain control over these powerful political players, being that he is the least experienced politician of them all. In this statement, my hopes are strengthed:
To become Secretary of State, Sen. Clinton and also former President Bill Clinton have accepted restrictions. Ultimately, she must defer to the White House on policy. He [Bill Clinton]has agreed to list contributors to his foundation and also have his public speaking schedule approved by the White House. (Arthur I. Cyr)
Thus far, I am not sure what to make of his cabinet, but I respect it -- it has gone through one tedious job application. Though, with additions like Senators Bill Richardson as Commerce Secretary (though he may not be as clean as he seems) and Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State you can absolutely expect former-President Bill Clinton to have some influence in the White House.
Former-President Clinton has many international business and political connections through his global foundation. Since exiting the office eight years ago, he has raised over $500 million for the foundation and has created relationships with many top ranking foreign officials and businessmen. Not to mention, he has relationships that still exist from his days as our President. So, the question arises: What, if any, are his business interests, and will they interfere with Hillary Clinton's abilities in office? Yes, he does offer foreign experience to the side of Hillary Clinton, but he also adds some potentially unwanted or misguided direction to her decision making.
President Obama’s cabinet is a very interesting mix of Republicans and Democrats. There are Senators, professors, and former cabinet members. There are well respected military leaders and carryovers from the Bush administration. The truth of the matter is that Obama is, seemingly, unconcerned by party lines. He is, though, interested in fixing the crisis that we face today in America. Regardless of whom the cabinet members served under in the past, they now serve a new President. And as such, the responsibility falls to Obama. His job is not easy. He must hold tight the reigns of these experienced politicians or else we may see the return Bill Clinton to power in American Politics. Barack Obama, as Your Daily Snitch notes, did do well to win America over during the campaign. But now he must follow through.
i agree with most of your opinions on Obama's Cabinet, as do most Americans according to recent polls.
However, I disagree with your view on the Hillary Clinton appointment. Clinton brings a certain star quality to the position. She has already met with many foreign leaders, and most of them admired her husband President Clinton. Most foreigners were even under the impression that the election was over when Obama defeated her. I believe she is the best individual to help fix the damaged foreign relations caused by the Bush Administration as she is very intelligent and has already gained international respect.
I cannot agree with you more about your comment on my blog. Who would have ever thought that Obama would choose so many people that have been the face of American politics over the past decade. One has got to think that Obama is making up for his lack of experience with these choices. What do you think?
Just a response to your post on my blog. Palin vs Clinton would be absolutely ridiculous. As much as I love Clinton, it would be scary to see her and Palin facing off. It would be a total cat fight of two huge bitches.
I think most people shared your same views on this. Everybody got so caught up in the change, change, change mantra that they lost a little sight of reality. What was he going to do, put in a bunch of 20 year olds for his cabinet? I don't even know where he'd find a bunch of younger guys that didn't serve in other administrations, considering he was one of the younger members of the senate. The fact that they served for Clinton is a good thing on several levels. First off, while the Clinton years had their flaws, they were also a resounding success on many fronts, especially considering the Reagan/Bush Sr. Admins they were coming off of. But second, and most importantly, they may have played a role in the Clinton administration, but this is the Obama administration. They have the experience to assist in decisions but ultimately they are fulfilling his own goals. It doesn't matter that it's Robert Gates or Bill Gates in Iraq. So long as they get us out of Iraq and are capable of following Obama's policies, it's the right man for the job.
Its seems we're on exactly the same page. Hopefully the appointment of Hillary Clinton works out. I'm sure any kinks will be worked out as both Clinton and Obama have political futures to look out for.
If anything she will want to align herself as the same type of politician that Obama is, since he seems to be untouchable at the moment and may remain to be so for quite a while.
I'm glad to see that a politician is finally reaching across the aisle, especially at such a high level in government. Hopefully, it will set a precedent for the Congress.
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